常见 问题
How do I get in contact with the 入学 department?
At what grade levels are there openings?
Students enter the Waynflete community at every grade level, and are encouraged to apply for any grade. 年级扩展到学前班、幼儿园、四年级、六年级和九年级.
When should I begin the application process?
初中和高中申请者的家长和学生访问将于10月中旬开始,低年级申请者的家长和学生访问将于11月1日开始. bet365官网鼓励家长来学校参观并及时提交申请材料. The majority of students complete their applications by February 10. The 入学 Office will notify first-round applicants on March 10. 申请较晚的家庭将在完成入学程序后几周内收到通知. For details, see the 入学 Timeline.
bet365官网建议您等到第一个评分期之后再分发推荐表格和成绩单/进度报告请求给您孩子现在的学校,以便老师了解他们的学生. bet365官网鼓励有兴趣了解韦弗莱特未来的家庭与招生办公室联系,电话是207.274.5224 to schedule a visit to campus. bet365官网还邀请学生和家长参加bet365官网的入学活动,亲身体验bet365官网项目的不同方面.
What should my child bring when visiting Waynflete for the day?
Lunch is provided for visitors spending the full day on campus. 低年级学生应计划携带适合户外活动的衣服(靴子), 雨衣, 雪的裤子, 帽子及连指手套), as students participate in recess in all kinds of weather. 较低的学校 visitors should also bring a mid-morning snack, a pair of sneakers for 物理 education class, and a silent reading book. 中、高年级访客也可以带一本书,以备他们参观的课堂安静时使用. 如果学生去上体育课,也鼓励穿运动鞋. Please note that Waynflete does not have a student dress code, so students are welcome to dress comfortably.
What if my child enters in a “non-entry level” year?
bet365官网每年都有学生以非入门级的成绩进入社区,并取得了巨大的成功. 每个年级都有很多项目来支持新来的孩子. For example, all students are assigned an advisor upon entry to the school. Advisors serve as the main contact for families, and also develop strong relationships with their advisees. Advisors not only work closely with the student throughout the school year, 同时也要密切关注学生的入学情况,确保他们顺利过渡. 各种迎新项目和欢迎活动也在秋季举行,以欢迎新学生并使他们熟悉韦恩弗莱特.
Does my child have to take a standardized test to enter Waynflete?
We do not require a standardized admission test, 然而, for Middle and 上学校 applicants, SSAT testing is accepted as part of the application if available. For other applicants, bet365官网通常会收到来自发送学校的测试,并将其视为申请的一部分. We take into consideration an applicant’s academic, 物理, social/emotional development, 和性格. bet365官网通过观察、访谈、笔录和深度推荐来实现这一目标.
What is the length of the school day?
Students begin arriving at Waynflete at 8:00 a.m. The academic day starts at 8:10 a.m. Classes in the Lower and 中学s run until 3:25 p.m. The 上学校 schedule rotates on a daily basis; the focus shifts to arts and athletics after 2:05 p.m., with the school day ending at 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays are half days at Waynflete with classes ending at 12:10 p.m. 所有职系. 课后活动每天从放学开始,一直持续到下午6点.m.
We live quite a distance from Waynflete. What sort of transportation is available?
Students come from approximately 48 towns in Southern and Coastal Maine, and bus transportation is available in many of these communities. 有关路线和费用的具体信息,请致电207与招生办公室联系.274.5224. 除了巴士交通,许多家庭参与拼车往返学校.
What world languages are taught at Waynflete?
低年级学生在学前班开始bet365官网西班牙语,并在五年级继续bet365官网语言和西班牙语文化. All sixth-grade students at Waynflete take at least one year of Latin. bet365官网相信,一年的拉丁语是一个很好的准备,以严格的英语和罗马语言的研究, and ties in well with the sixth-grade study of Greece and Rome. It also puts all sixth-graders, new and returning, at the same place in the curriculum as they begin 中学 together. 六年级以后,学生可以选择bet365官网法语、西班牙语、拉丁语或汉语(普通话)。.
我的孩子目前在一所学校,他们的班级比整个bet365官网高中的班级都大. Will they find the athletics competitive enough?
bet365官网大学的青少年代表队和大学代表队运动员在西缅因会议上参加包括足球在内的十几项运动, 篮球, 长曲棍球, 棒球, 越野, 游泳, 网球, 曲棍球, 冰上曲棍球, 北欧滑雪, 高尔夫球, track, 和机组人员. In the past ten years, bet365官网队在他们的分区(第29区)赢得了许多冠军, 30个地区, 和31州). 高中生也可以选择通过举重训练和瑜伽等体育课程来满足他们的运动要求. 学生也可以参加经批准的独立运动项目,参加学校不提供的运动或体育活动.
Will removing my child from our local school remove them from the community?
bet365官网的学生来自缅因州南部和沿海的大约48个城镇. 家长们发现,他们的孩子能够加入和参与Waynflete社区,并通过参加联盟运动队保持他们城镇社区的一部分, town recreational activities, religious organizations, 还有当地的俱乐部.
In addition to Waynflete’s tuition, what extra costs can I expect to pay?
Materials for academic classes (including books, art supplies, etc.) are included in the cost of tuition. 参加交通项目或从学校咖啡厅订购午餐的家庭应该准备额外的费用.
Is community service required at Waynflete?
Yes, all Waynflete students participate in service projects. bet365官网低年级的学生在学前班bet365官网管理工作,并在整个小学阶段继续关注社区项目. In Middle and 上学校, 咨询小组在整个学年开展社区服务项目. 此外,每年还会留出几天时间从事社区服务工作. In 上学校, there is an individual community service requirement.